I am Kristen, your HOPE grief coach

I offer online life coaching for women who are ready to put hope into their futures. It is my mission to help women struggling with grief all over the world to step into their greatest healing potential and claim emotional sovereignty from grief as you transform your life after loss.

I am here to help you

Right now your days might be full of severe pain, grief and trauma from life changing and sudden losses. It’s keeping you stuck in an endless cycle of sorrow and anxiety. If you are reading this it is safe to say you have had emotional devastation in your past. Are you holding your breath waiting for the next wave of grief to pull you under? In early grief and loss, that’s exactly how I felt. Waves of grief crushing my very existence. I found myself depleted, irritable, and exhausted and paranoid. Are you wishing that life could slow the F down? Do you feel like you can never catch up?! Are you tired of bracing for impact? If you are done being pulled in a million different directions, your brain feels scattered and your heart feels shattered, I am here, sweet friend, to help you press pause. Imagine a healing so deep that it completely changes your current experiences with grief and awakens a freedom within your heart and mind based on self-love, truth, and serenity. My name is Kristen Kay Jonas and my journey navigating sudden loss and trauma took my breath away at times too. I showed up to the biggest trauma of my life ALREADY burned out and emotionally spent. I had barely processed my miscarriage when I lost my Father in a fatal car accident. I know the shadows in a mourning heart my friend. You are not alone. Let yourself breathe again. It’s time for inspired action. You deserve peace, serenity and joy. Let’s align your healing process with gentle yet effective steps, and shift from mourning to finding reasons to live for! Loss was never meant to dim your light. Together we can let our experiences with death teach us about living life to the fullest. Let’s get started! My hand is always outstretched to you! I will walk with you. Are you ready to take the first step? Healing your grief is a worthy journey 🤍Right now your days might be full of severe pain, grief and trauma from life changing and sudden losses. It’s keeping you stuck in an endless cycle of sorrow and anxiety. If you are reading this it is safe to say you have had emotional devastation in your past. Are you holding your breath waiting for the next wave of grief to pull you under? In early grief and loss, that’s exactly how I felt. Waves of grief crushing my very existence. I found myself depleted, irritable, and exhausted and paranoid. Are you wishing that life could slow the F down? Do you feel like you can never catch up?! Are you tired of bracing for impact? If you are done being pulled in a million different directions, your brain feels scattered and your heart feels shattered, I am here, sweet friend, to help you press pause. Imagine a healing so deep that it completely changes your current experiences with grief and awakens a freedom within your heart and mind based on self-love, truth, and serenity. My name is Kristen Kay Jonas and my journey navigating sudden loss and trauma took my breath away at times too. I showed up to the biggest trauma of my life ALREADY burned out and emotionally spent. I had barely processed my miscarriage when I lost my Father in a fatal car accident. I know the shadows in a mourning heart my friend. You are not alone. Let yourself breathe again. It’s time for inspired action. You deserve peace, serenity and joy. Let’s align your healing process with gentle yet effective steps, and shift from mourning to finding reasons to live for! Loss was never meant to dim your light. Together we can let our experiences with death teach us about living life to the fullest. Let’s get started! My hand is always out stretched.

Heal. Learn. Cherish. Rebuild.

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